Tuesday, October 12, 2010


So many peole in the world i head they saying the world is bad, i normally wounder them becouse may they do know why god had decided to bring us in this world.

When you say the world is you should have a good logic unless otherwise you will be criticising a lord so dont say that.

The most of the people whose says so are the singer, poor people with no many and they say so becouse of their poverty bet in fact the world in not bad is very good that why we are here and we enjoy.

God gave us ocean so as we can sweem, he gave forest so as we rest down and he gave the day and night so as we can work and relash our mind God love us.

What is saw people are dont use perfectly what has been given by God thats why they say the world is bad, from now let us make proper uses of what God gave us then we will see how the world is sweet.

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